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Priceline, mental wellbeing matters

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Have you visited Priceline’s Wellbeing Hub? It is filled with articles on health topics from allergies, obesity, IBS menopause and more.

Here we share an article with you from the Priceline Wellbeing Hub about Mental Health and hope that you, your family and friends are all taking care during this stressful time.

Mental Wellbeing Matters 

From keeping active to simple self-care practices, clinical psychologist Ruth Nelson shares how to look after your mind in winter

When we think about health issues, it’s physical ailments such as colds and flu and aching joints that spring to mind. But our mental health can be just as tricky to manage (and is commonly overlooked due to its ‘invisible’ nature). As the mood-boosting daylight hours dwindle, it’s more important than ever to focus on your mental wellbeing.


Look after your body’s needs

Research has shown that poor physical health can lead to compromised mental health, and vice versa.

“We can’t always control the stress in our lives,” says Ruth. “However, there is plenty we can do to protect our mental wellbeing.”

She suggests focusing on maintaining a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, getting adequate sleep and making time for exercise.

Connect with others

“From the bushfires bringing home the reality of climate change to the global pandemic, the past few years have been a very difficult time for most people,” says Ruth. “Many of the usual ways of coping have been lost to us and lots of people are struggling.”

She recommends checking in with your family, friends and neighbours as well as looking for local community groups to help you connect with others.

“Be open about how you are feeling. Live as best you can in ways that connect you to your values, and to people who share your values.”

Seek Fulfilment

If you’re feeling down, you may feel like disconnecting from society. But it’s important to continue engaging in activities you enjoy or that give you a feeling of accomplishment to boost your mental health.

“We need to feel productive in some way, through work, for example – and to be secure financially,” says Ruth. “We need to feel engaged in society such as through volunteering or participating in action regarding climate change. These activities connect us to our values and help us live a life that feels meaningful and fulfilled.

A sense of spirituality, in whatever form that may take for you, is also important, such as feeling connected to nature.”

What signs to look out for:

It’s normal for our feelings to fluctuate, but when distressing thoughts won’t go away, it can be cause for concern. So when it comes to your own mental wellbeing or the mental wellbeing of others, it’s important to be aware if you start experiencing any of these signs:

  • Feeling stuck in distressing feelings and thoughts
  • Sadness or irritability that won’t go away
  • Shifts from very high to very low moods
  • Constant feelings of being afraid, anxious or worries
  • Withdrawing from people you usually spend time with
  • Changes in eating or sleeping patterns
  • Others noticing you’re not yourself or expressing concern for you

Reach out to a professional

If you feel like you’re struggling to cope, or experiencing any of the above signs, don’t be afraid to make an appointment with your GP to chat things over. Together, you can discuss the possibility of getting a mental health care plan to subsidise appointments with a mental health professional, or whether there are other treatment options, such as medication, that might be suitable for you.

Don’t forget that if you need immediate assistance you can also reach out to one of the national helplines and support services, such as lifeline, or for further resources, support, or information on how to support a loved one, organisations such as Beyond Blue have a number of resources to help you and your loved ones!